5 Tips to Survive Long Flights and Arrive Refreshed

Long Flights

Are you tired of stepping off a long-haul flight feeling like you’ve been hit by a ton of bricks? We feel your pain! Long flights can be brutal, leaving us drained and desperate for some much-needed shut-eye. But fear not, fellow jet-setters! In this blog post, we’re sharing our top 5 tips to survive those never-ending flights and arrive at your destination feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world. So buckle up and get ready to discover the secrets that will make every mile above ground as comfortable as possible. Let’s turn those dreaded long flights into an opportunity for relaxation and self-care!”

Introduction: The Dreaded Long Flight

The thought of being stuck on a long flight can be daunting and dreaded by many travelers. Whether you are embarking on a solo adventure or traveling with family, the idea of being confined to a small seat for hours on end can be overwhelming. However, with proper preparation and some helpful tips, you can make the most out of your long flight and arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and ready for your journey ahead.

Long flights are often dreaded because they require sitting in a cramped space for an extended period of time. This lack of movement can cause discomfort and stiffness in the body, especially for those who are not used to it. The thought of not being able to stretch your legs or move freely can also be anxiety-inducing for some people.

Moreover, spending hours in a confined space with limited entertainment options can become monotonous and boring. This is especially true if you are traveling alone or with children who may get restless during the flight.

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Tip #1: Plan Ahead and Choose the Right Seat

When it comes to surviving long flights and arriving feeling refreshed, planning ahead and choosing the right seat can make all the difference. Here are some tips to help you with this important aspect of your journey.

1. Book your flight early: The earlier you book your flight, the more options you will have when it comes to choosing a seat. If possible, try to book at least a few months in advance to increase your chances of getting a good seat.

2. Consider the type of aircraft: Different types of aircraft have different seating configurations. For example, some planes may have more legroom in certain rows or seats with extra features such as adjustable headrests or footrests. Do some research on the type of plane you will be flying on and choose seats accordingly.

3. Use online seat selection tools: Most airlines now offer online seat selection for free or for a small fee. Take advantage of this feature to choose your preferred seat before arriving at the airport. This way, you won't have to worry about being stuck in an undesirable seat due to last-minute changes.

Tip #2: Stay Hydrated and Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Long flights can be physically taxing, with the dry air in the cabin and limited movement contributing to dehydration. This is why it is important to stay hydrated throughout your flight. However, not all drinks are created equal when it comes to keeping you refreshed during a long flight. In fact, consuming certain beverages like alcohol and caffeine can actually have negative effects on your body.

Alcohol may seem like a tempting choice to relax and pass the time during a long flight, but it can actually worsen the effects of flying. Not only does alcohol dehydrate the body, but it also impairs cognitive function and disrupts sleep patterns. This means that consuming alcohol on a flight can leave you feeling even more fatigued upon arrival.

Caffeine is another commonly consumed beverage that should be avoided during long flights. While coffee or energy drinks may provide an initial boost of energy, they can cause dehydration and make it difficult for you to fall asleep when needed. Furthermore, caffeine has been shown to increase anxiety levels in some individuals which can contribute to feelings of restlessness during a long flight.

Tip #3: Dress Comfortably and Pack Essential Items

One of the most important factors in surviving a long flight and arriving refreshed is dressing comfortably and packing essential items. This may seem like common sense, but many people overlook this aspect when traveling. The key is to find a balance between comfort and practicality.

Firstly, it's important to choose clothing that will allow you to move freely and feel comfortable for an extended period of time. Opt for loose-fitting, breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen. Avoid tight clothes or materials that can constrict your movement or cause discomfort after several hours on the plane.

Layering is also crucial when it comes to dressing comfortably on a long flight. Airplanes can be unpredictable in terms of temperature, so wearing layers will allow you to adjust accordingly. A light sweater or jacket can easily be removed if you get too warm, while keeping you warm if the cabin becomes chilly.

Tip #4: Move Around and Do In-Seat Exercises

Long flights can often leave us feeling stiff and achy, especially in our legs. This is due to the prolonged sitting in a confined space, which can lead to poor circulation and muscle tension. To combat this discomfort, it's important to move around and do some exercises while remaining seated.

1. Ankle Rotations: Start by lifting your feet off the ground and rotating your ankles clockwise for 10 seconds, then switch to counter-clockwise for another 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise a few times to improve blood flow and prevent swelling in your feet.

2. Knee Lifts: While sitting upright in your seat, bring one knee up towards your chest as high as you comfortably can. Hold this position for a few seconds before slowly lowering it back down. Repeat with the other leg. This exercise helps stretch out the muscles in your thighs and improves circulation.

3. Shoulder Rolls: Sitting with good posture, roll your shoulders forward for 10 seconds and then backwards for another 10 seconds. This will help relieve tension in your neck and upper back caused by prolonged sitting.

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Tip #5: Relax and Try to Get Some Sleep

Traveling on long flights can be exhausting both mentally and physically. It's no secret that being cramped in a small space for hours on end can leave you feeling tired, irritable, and drained. However, one of the best ways to survive a long flight is to relax and try to get some sleep.

1. Choose your seat wisely: One of the first things you should do when booking a long flight is choose your seat wisely. If possible, opt for an aisle or window seat as they offer more room for stretching out or leaning against the wall. Avoid middle seats at all costs as they offer little room to move and can make it difficult to sleep.

2. Dress comfortably: Comfort is key when it comes to surviving a long flight, especially if you plan on getting some shut-eye. Wear loose-fitting clothing made from breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen. Avoid tight waistbands or restrictive clothing that may disrupt your sleep.


In conclusion, long flights can be exhausting and draining, but with these 5 tips, you can make the journey more comfortable and arrive at your destination feeling refreshed. From choosing the right seat to staying hydrated and getting some rest, incorporating these tips into your travel routine will make a world of difference. Remember to pack some essentials in your carry-on bag, stretch and move around during the flight, and try to adjust to the local time as soon as possible upon arrival. With these strategies in mind, you'll be able to survive even the longest of flights without feeling completely drained. Safe travels!