Master the perfect winged eyeliner with these 5 expert tips from beauty bloggers

tips from beauty bloggers

Are you tired of struggling to achieve that flawless winged eyeliner look? Well, worry no more! We’ve got you covered with the ultimate guide to mastering the perfect winged eyeliner. In this blog post, we have gathered five expert tips from top beauty bloggers who are ready to spill their secrets and help you slay that cat-eye like a pro. Get ready to transform your makeup game and leave everyone in awe with your impeccable skills. So grab your favorite liner and let’s dive into these invaluable tricks that will revolutionize your winged eyeliner game forever!

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Introduction to the Importance of Winged Eyeliner

Winged eyeliner, also known as cat eyeliner or winged liner, has become a staple in the world of makeup. It is a classic and versatile look that can be dressed up or down, making it suitable for any occasion. This iconic style has been around since the 1950s and continues to be popular today.

In this section, we will discuss the importance of winged eyeliner and why it should be a part of every woman's makeup routine. We will also delve into the history of this trend and how it has evolved over time.

The art of winged eyeliner can be traced back to ancient Egypt where both men and women used kohl to line their eyes, creating an almond shape. In the 1920s, with the rise of Hollywood glamour, actresses such as Greta Garbo popularized this dramatic eye look. However, it was not until the 1950s when Audrey Hepburn's iconic winged eyeliner in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" made it mainstream.

Since then, winged eyeliner has had its moments in fashion history but never truly went out of style. In recent years, with beauty influencers sharing tutorials on social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram, it has gained even more popularity among all ages.

Tip 1: Choosing the Right Eyeliner for Your Skill Level

When it comes to mastering the perfect winged eyeliner, one of the most important factors to consider is choosing the right eyeliner for your skill level. With so many different types of eyeliners on the market, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which one will work best for you. Luckily, we've consulted with some of the top beauty bloggers to bring you their expert tips on how to choose the right eyeliner based on your skill level.

1. Beginners: If you're just starting out with winged eyeliner, it's best to stick with a basic pencil or gel liner. These formulas are easy to control and provide more room for error compared to liquid liners. It's also helpful to look for an eyeliner with a fine tip or brush applicator, as this will give you more precision when creating your wing.

2. Intermediate: Once you have mastered using basic pencils and gels, it's time to step up your game and try a liquid liner. Liquid liners can be more challenging due to their thin consistency and precise application technique, but they offer a more intense and long-lasting result. Opt for a felt tip or marker-style liquid liner as these tend to be easier to handle than traditional brush applicators.

Tip 2: Prepping Your Eyes for a Clean and Smooth Application

Before jumping into the actual application of winged eyeliner, it is important to properly prep your eyes. This step may seem minor, but it can make a huge difference in the overall look and longevity of your winged liner.

1. Moisturize Your Eyelids: Just like you would moisturize your face before applying makeup, it is essential to moisturize your eyelids as well. Dry or flaky skin on the eyelids can cause your eyeliner to appear clumpy and uneven. Use a lightweight eye cream or facial moisturizer specifically formulated for the delicate eye area.

2. Prime Your Lids: Using an eyeshadow primer not only helps your eyeshadow stay in place, but it also creates a smooth base for your eyeliner. This will prevent any smudging or creasing throughout the day and ensure that your winged liner stays sharp and clean.

3. Set with Powder: After applying moisturizer and primer, lightly dust some translucent powder over the entire eye area with a fluffy brush. This will further help with oil control and keep your eyelids from becoming too shiny throughout the day.

Tip 3: The Art of Creating the Perfect Wing Shape

Creating the perfect wing shape with eyeliner can seem like a daunting task, but with the right techniques and practice, you can achieve a flawless winged eyeliner look. In this section, we will discuss the art of creating the perfect wing shape and provide tips from beauty bloggers to help you master this technique.

1. Start with a clean canvas: Before attempting to create a winged eyeliner look, it is important to start with a clean canvas. This means removing any old makeup and moisturizing your eyelids to ensure smooth application.

2. Use an angled brush: Many beauty bloggers recommend using an angled brush instead of the traditional liquid or pencil liners for creating winged eyeliner. An angled brush allows for more precision and control in creating the perfect wing shape.

3. Find your starting point: To create the perfect wing, it is essential to find your starting point first. Hold your angled brush against your outer eye corner at an angle towards the end of your eyebrow. This will be where you start drawing your line.

4. Draw a thin line: Begin by drawing a thin line from the outer corner towards the center of your lid along your lash line. This will serve as the base for your wing.

Tip 4: Fixing Mistakes and Achieving Symmetry

Achieving the perfect winged eyeliner can be a tricky task, and even the most experienced beauty bloggers make mistakes from time to time. But don't worry, because with these expert tips, you'll be able to fix any mistakes and achieve symmetrical wings like a pro.

1. Start with a clean slate : The key to fixing mistakes is to start with a clean canvas. If you've already applied your foundation and eyeshadow, use a makeup wipe or some micellar water on a cotton pad to gently remove any excess product around your eyes. This will also help create a smooth surface for your liner application.

2. Use concealer or primer as an eraser : If you've made a mistake while applying your eyeliner, don't panic! You can easily fix it by using some concealer or primer on a small brush or q-tip. Dab the product over the mistake and blend it outwards until it disappears. This trick works particularly well for liquid liners.

3. Use tape for precision and symmetry : For those who struggle with achieving symmetrical wings, tape can be your best friend. Take a small piece of scotch tape and place it at an angle from the outer corner of your eye towards the end of your eyebrow. This will act as a guide for creating sharp and even wings on both sides.

Tip 5: Finishing Touches and Long-lasting Wear

When it comes to mastering the perfect winged eyeliner, it's not just about getting the technique right. The finishing touches and long-lasting wear of your winged eyeliner can make all the difference in achieving a flawless and professional look. In this section, we'll discuss some expert tips from beauty bloggers on how to add those final touches and ensure that your winged eyeliner stays in place throughout the day.

1. Set with powder or eyeshadow : One common issue with winged eyeliner is that it can smudge or transfer onto your upper lid as the day goes on. To prevent this, many beauty bloggers recommend setting your liner with either a translucent powder or an eyeshadow of a similar color. Simply use a small angled brush to apply the powder or shadow over your liner, gently pressing it into place. This will help lock in the liner and prevent any shifting or smudging throughout the day.

2. Use waterproof products for longevity : For those days when you need your winged eyeliner to last through rain, sweat, or tears (we've all been there), opt for waterproof products. Look for a waterproof liquid liner or gel liner specifically designed for long-lasting wear. These formulas are typically more resistant to water and oil, making them less likely to smudge or fade throughout the day.

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Winged eyeliner can be a tricky technique to master, but with these 5 expert tips from beauty bloggers, you'll be able to create the perfect wing in no time. From choosing the right type of liner to using tape for a clean edge, these tips will give you the confidence to rock a flawless winged look every time. So go ahead and experiment with different styles and techniques until you find what works best for you. With practice and patience, anyone can achieve the perfect winged eyeliner look.